Spiritual Counseling

Spiritual counseling is for individuals, couples, or small groups that wish to receive on-going sessions utilizing principles of universal law and spiritual truths. Kim works with the assistance of the spirit teachers to bring about clarity and resolutions to conflict, grief, emotional blockages, stress, relationships, self-esteem, and many other personal growth topics that are holding you back from finding peace, joy, and success in your life.

Many people find this type of counseling refreshingly different from traditional psychotherapy. Although Kim is not a licensed therapist, her counseling experience of over twenty-five years combined with her intuitive insights makes for a unique and highly effective experience. For those clients who have more deep-seated issues, where multiple sessions are needed to teach, practice, and reinforce behavioral changes, this is a attractive alternative to the traditional model.

Her direct style is often preferred by her clients who say that the overall process requires much less of a time commitment, less of a need by the client to endlessly explain their feelings, the overall situation, motives, etc., and more interaction between counselor and client. In contrast to the more conventional model, Kim can quickly assess the problems that need to be addressed, without waiting – sometimes years – to recognize the problems. Kim is much more involved in helping you find solutions, offering behavioral tools, feedback, suggestions, and techniques instead of listening to yourself talk, session after session.

There is much more teaching involved with Kim’s approach to spiritual counseling. She strives to help you understand the need to love, accept, and forgive yourself no matter what the situation, how to honor and express your deepest truth, how to release the past, destructive energies, emotions, and habits from all of your energy bodies, and finally how to focus your energies to create a happier future.

One of the most important aspects to spiritual counseling with Kim is that she can help you identify the source of depression, anxiety, stress, and conflict when you cannot. Many clients have a very difficult time expressing themselves let alone digging deep into their psyches when they feel helpless and confused. Kim can cut through those blocks with her abilities and help you get to the root of the problem much sooner.

Many clients are treated with antidepressants when they seek treatment with a licensed professional, which for most cases, Kim feels is unnecessary and often hinders the soul’s ability to heal on an emotional and spiritual level. She has had substantial success in helping clients without the need to medicate and further confuse the mind and soul. But for those with serious mental illness, Kim will not hesitate to refer you to a psychiatric professional.

Available by phone only.


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