Dr. Peebles Messages (free)

The following are short messages and excerpts from trance sessions with Dr. Peebles. They offer a glimpse of his wisdom on a variety of topics. Please share these links freely. Other full sessions are available for purchase on the Audio Recordings page.

Creating Peace Within

Our souls are constantly challenging us to become the self-determined, creative beings we are meant to be. Dr. Peebles shares with us how important this is right now in Earth’s history. By centering our consciousness in love, we can become the powerful beacons of light to help bring peace for ourselves— and to the world (recorded on October 1, 2024).


State of the World Update

More than ever, we are being challenged to discover the ultimate reality of our existence that we are the sole creators of our reality. Despite the chaos and negativity we see around us, we must stop and listen to the power within us as well as the spiritual helpers who stand with us (recorded on August 19, 2024).


A Process of Self Discovery

There’s no doubt that we are living in a time of great change. Despite the fear that is present, we each have an incredible opportunity to discover who we really are and how we will choose to respond to the world we find ourselves in. Dr. Peebles reminds us of what we can create – first within ourselves and then working together (recorded on July 3, 2024).




The Many Sides of YOU

We are such complex, multifaceted beings—and we have not been taught how to understand it yet alone deal with it. Dr. Peebles shares with us in this message that ALL parts, ALL sides of us are valid, real and need to be thoroughly explored as part of our growth and soul expansion (recorded on June 7, 2024).


Awakening Your Superpowers

The consciousness of the human race is evolving in dramatic ways at this time. Dr. Peebles helps us see that our innate powers are being revealed. We are being flooded with information about our potential powers and abilities that is often perceived as fictional or fantasy. But is actually becoming a part of our future reality as we grow stronger in our beliefs (recorded on May 4, 2024).


Inviting Higher Consciousness

We are energy beings. We are beings of pure consciousness even though many of us have forgotten who we really are. Dr. Peebles encourages us to believe, to remember and to consciously invite that awareness to us so that we can be in that higher state of energy, as well as share it with the world. (recorded on April 5, 2024).


Choosing A New Reality

If the life you are leading is not what you want, you have the ability to make different choices. What stops you – fear, discouragement, faulty beliefs, old patterns of thinking? Whatever the situation, you have the unique power to choose. Dr. Peebles encourages us all to take advantage of this gift to find our real potential  for ourselves and for the greater good of this world we live in (recorded on March 6, 2024).


The Power of Love

To be true to ourselves, we must re-examine this concept of love. We can now open to the knowledge that love is who we are at the very basic level. There is never a lack but an unlimited supply. Dr. Peebles encourages us to let go of what we have been taught and the constant search for love outside ourselves and open to the power of love that is within (recorded on February 5, 2024).


What it Means to be a Medium

Being a medium in the 21st century is an experience more and more people are starting to understand. In this message from Dr. Peebles, he’ll share his thoughts on the fascinating phenomena of mediumship. Learn more of how you can begin to experience you own abilities (recorded on November 1, 2023).
For the written version and Kim’s viewpoint:


A Call for Peace: A Spiritual Perspective on the War in Israel

The ongoing conflicts in the Middle East have escalted to new and terrifying heights with heart-breaking violence against innocent people. Dr. Peebles warns us in this powerful message the potential effects that this war could bring to all citizens of Earth. He strongly reminds us that peace must be our focus moving forward and that it must begin within our own consciousness. We, the people, have more power than we are utilizing and we must begin to exercise it to create a different world. (recorded on October 15, 2023).


Soul Reminders

As you continue to seek a greater understanding of who you are and your self-designed purpose for this life, there is a need to remember more of what you had decided was important for you to succeed on your journey. Dr. Peebles encourages you to align with your soul and ASK to be reminded of what you may have forgotten.  As a stronger connection is forged with your soul, as well as your teachers, you are able to discover your priorities as well as the strength and courage you need to overcome any challenge (recorded on October 6, 2023).


Discovering Your True Essence

From the moment you entered into the Earth plane, many roles were thrust upon you. As you open more and more to who you really are—beyond the ego and what the world demands—you have an opportunity to shift away from roles, forms and patterns of living that no longer fit you as a spiritual being.  Dr. Peebles helps you see the need for this self-examination as part of a joyful shift into higher conciousness and the true essence within you (recorded on September 6, 2023).


The Illusion of “Reality”

Many of us know that we live in a world of illusions. But beyond the illusions, there is a reality that is often overlooked and missed completely. This message helps direct our attention beyond what we have been taught to see and sense with our physical senses to experience our own unique reality that we are constantly creating – for ourselves and for others (recorded on August 7, 2023).


In the Moment

As part of an Earthly life, we can often feel out-of-control and miss out on so much of the joy the universe offers us.  Dr. Peebles teaches us to be more in touch with the habitual workings of our minds so we can train it to be more present, more fully aware and alive to the power of the current moment. Then we are able to find the balance that we often mistakenly seek outside ourselves and reap the many rewards of living in current time, current space (recorded on July 8, 2023).


Uncovering Truth

What is truth? Do we even know what it is? Dr. Peebles enlightens us to explore more fully what our own personal truth is—and not the truth of others or what we have been conditioned to believe. Learn to open more fully to the truth within you that is unique and beautiful and allow yourself to continue to expand into your true self (recorded on June 7, 2023).



So much is occuring in the world right now that it’s easy to forget who we are and why we are here. Dr. Peebles encourages us in this message to look beyond the illusions the world offers and sense how we are awakening to something quite grand —first in ourselves and then the world around us. Remember: we are beings of light and we are here to shine that light (recorded on May 28, 2023)!


May the 4th be with You!

Enjoy this short but sweet message from Dr. Peebles celebrating the wise messages given to humanity in the Star Wars movies. He shares interesting tidbits about the true reality of our off-planet friends as well as the importance of embracing the powerful “force” within us (recorded on May 4, 2023).


Your Best Life

At times, many of us find life to be a bit of a struggle. Dr. Peebles encourages us in this message to become more aware of our personal lives instead of focusing on the world around us.  He reminds us to become clear as to the life we desire so that we are able to discover our power to attract what we want to feel and experience.  As always, help from our spirit friends is always available to us if we would just remember to ask (recorded on April 26, 2023).


State of the World Update

So much is happening on Earth right now! How are we responding? Dr. Peebles guides us on how we can choose to react to the stress, the chaos and the fear around us. He discusses some of the major issues challenging the world as well as a powerful spiritual opening to the higher dimensions occuring now. Ultimately, we are reminded to believe in peace to usher in the new world coming (recorded on March 24, 2023).


Connecting to Your World

We have been told many times that we are all connected – to each other, to the earth and to everything in our world. But are we really understanding this and more importantly are we acting upon this? Dr. Peebles strongly encourages us in this message to fully align with this spiritual truth for the benefit of all, starting as always with ourselves (recorded on December 5, 2022).


Who’s in Charge?

No matter what is occuring in our lives – whether it is personal or in the world around us – we have the power to decide who (or what) has any power over us. Dr. Peebles beautifully reminds us, that despite being in uncertain times where many feel helpless, we are NOT. Yes, there are changes in the air but we can transform any situation into a blessing (recorded on November 6, 2022).


The Battle for Democracy

The higher ideals of democracy are being challenged in our world. Dr. Peebles asks us to not ignore what we are witnessing to avoid many hard-fought freedoms being taken away.  We are here on Earth to stand firm for peace, justice and right-action for all, to align more with love and the light within us. Together we can create peace on Earth (recorded on July 10, 2022).


Seeing Through the Eyes of Spirit

There are so many different perspectives and opinions in the world for us to consider that ultimately create our personal reality as well as the larger collective we are all part of. This message asks us to expand how we view the world around us, moving beyond the illusions of the ego and more into that higher perspective of Spirit. Achieve a more healthy balance within ourselves by consciously aligning with a higher vibration and contribute to the upliftment of the planet at the same time (recorded on June 22, 2022).


World Update – Beyond Appearances

We live in a world of illusions. We have a choice: to either continue to believe in the illusions of this reality or begin to see through them – to look beyond what seems so real and allow ourselves to see the truth. It is necessary for mankind to recognize our power and not be caught any longer in the appearances. We are the creators as Dr. Peebles once more encourages us to believe and hold that energy to change the world  – – starting with ourselves as always (recorded on April 30, 2022).


World Update – Creating a Stable Life Force

More than ever, stability is necessary in our lives. Dr. Peebles reminds us of our ability to find it—first within ourselves. Then we are able to step into our power to join with others and create a life force that is more stable and peaceful around us. But it must start with us as we open to the clarity and understanding that God/Spirit offers us. This energy is needed and now available to us (recorded on March 20, 2022)


State of the World Update

Dr. Peebles provides a higher perspective on current events including the invasion of Ukraine and the world’s reaction. Listen to how he describes how each of us can help bring about a new understanding and vibration of peace and love during this time of upheaval and change (recorded on February 25, 2022).


Moving Beyond Doubt

Living our lives on Earth present us with many lessons that challenge us. One such challenge is doubt. It teaches us in many ways to be clear on what we are focusing on and what we will choose to believe about our own power. Will we stay stuck in the illusions of doubt and fear or will we move beyond its grasp to allow our higher awareness to guide us to the higher dimensions of spirit (recorded on October 5, 2021)?


 State of the World Update – Earth Changes

We are starting to see an alarming acceleration of catastrophes around the globe: fires, earthquakes, powerful storms, etc. How do we respond to these events – with our thoughts, beliefs and actions? Dr. Peebles strongly urges us to take stock of what energies we are consciously holding within ourselves first and to recognize our connections to all of mankind and all living things (recorded on September 5, 2021).


State of the World Update

With so many challenges for us to face and overcome, Dr. Peebles gives us encouragement to find the sorely needed solutions to society’s problems. He shares the importance and the necessity of the masses working together to develop a strong energy of  unity consciousness.  By remembering our power – and being willing to use it in ways that benefit all – we are capable of restoring peace and harmony to the world (recorded on August 4, 2021).


State of the World Update

How are you responding to the world around you? Are you consciously aware of your power? Dr. Peebles reminds us once more to get out of our “comfort zone”. Our energies are needed now. We can choose to stand up and speak out to fulfill our spiritual mission, individually and collectively, and do our part in the rebalancing of Earth.  We all have a role to play in this reality if we are ready and willing to move beyond appearances and take our power back (recorded on June 5, 2021).


Ending the Violence

Hate, fear, division, violence and war seem to be increasingly present in our world with little hope for resolution. In this powerful message, Dr. Peebles talks to us about the violence that so many feel either helpless to change or apathetic to its existence. He reminds us of our power – starting with ourselves – to shift the energy and create the change so desperately needed on Earth. A peaceful world based on love is still within our power to create (recorded on May 18, 2021).


Exploring Your World

We are at our deepest core spiritual explorers but at times we have forgotten that. Instead we have allowed the voices of others and our own egos to limit our understanding and awareness of the many realities, many worlds that are available to us to explore. As part of our growth, as well as the world’s expansion around us, can we open to more than what our minds have told us to be true and start to open to the multi-dimensional reality that we’re all part of (recorded on May 7, 2021)?


New Beginnings

Many of us are feeling a need for a change, to shift out of the old and open to something different. Dr. Peebles encourages us in this message to invite all the many possible new beginnings and experiences that our soul can offer us. We can choose to move through any limitations or fears that keep us stuck, that keeps us from growing and align with our creative power to manifest something different.  The wisdom and guidance is always readily available within us to move joyfully into new adventures (recorded on April 5, 2021).


Is Evil Real?

This message is from a recent Email Group (Feb.2021) discussing a very important topic that’s sure to intrigue, surprise and enlighten you.  Dr. Peebles delves into a provocative exploration of “Evil” –  its origins, its  significance in the world and how we can decrease its power from affecting us.  Discover how spirit perceives evil vs. man’s beliefs and how we can grow stronger in our understanding to create a different world (recorded on February 18, 2021).  Read the transcription.


World Update:  “Living in Grace”

Dr. Peebles discuss what it means to be and to live in “Grace”, a state of consciousness that we can choose to invite into our daily lives to help us live more in harmony. Now more than ever, we can experience this energy to help create a more peaceful energy that will help us find more balance on many levels.. He also discusses a concept he’s mentioned before: natural immunity and its implications with COVID-19, vaccines and our overall health, now and in the future. A wonderful reminder that we are all connected and that we have the power to impact other people and the world around us. (recorded on March 9, 2021).


State of the World Update:  “A Higher Path”

In this month’s message, Dr. Peebles shares with us that a Higher Path is more present for humanity than ever before and that we have the ability to access it now to help bring more love, healing and stability to the planet and all life forms. Despite appearances of a world in turmoil, he gives us hope that things are rapidly shifting.  He discusses COVID-19, the vaccines, civil rights and other topics to help us understand our power to choose the path we will walk upon in this lifetime.  Spirit is always present to help and support us as Dr. Peebles reminds us and that we are all family, united in love. (recorded on February 5, 2021).


Finding the Joy

Joy would appear to be in short supply for many people on Earth right now as we collectively face many life-threatening challenges, fears and unrest on so many fronts. In this message, Dr. Peebles reminds us to be aware of the world around us but not to expect it to be the source of our joy but instead to focus our energies within, allowing our spirits to guide us to our true source of joy. Love is always the answer – can we remember to focus on that powerful energy – for ourselves and the world? It’s time to remember who we are – spiritual beings, children of God. The power lies within us. (recorded on December 11, 2020).


World Update – State of Unrest

Dr. Peebles offers us an important update on the U.S. elections and the general state of unrest in the U.S. and in the world. He urges us to find the peace and calm within us  to be able to affect the energies around us, bringing more of a sense of harmony. We are encouraged to believe more in the power and truth within us and bring it to the surface. All of us have the capabilities to be a part of healing the planet – of discord, corruption and even the virus (recorded on November 6, 2020).


Living with Change

With so much going on around us in the world right now, how do we keep it all together? How do we live with all the changes that are occurring without losing our minds? Dr. Peebles helps us see that there is a path to living in harmony with change – even embracing this powerful force that is necessary for everyone and everything to evolve. He reminds us that these rather uncomfortable changes we are often forced to deal with are actually perfect opportunities to grow in our spiritual understanding – if we choose to allow it (recorded on October 12, 2020).


State of the World Update

Once more, Dr. Peebles offers us clear guidance on how to navigate through all the changes and unrest present on Earth.  In this session, we are directed more and more to find our balance between the dimensions, between our inner and outer worlds. We are witnessing the end of a system where we can choose how we will participate in the rebuilding and the creation of a new world. What will we focus on? What will we create? (recorded on September 14, 2020)


State of the World Update

Dr. Peebles give us an all-important update on the tumultuous events of recent months as well as those that are occurring right now and will take place in the future. Topics include: the pandemic, racial unrest, more revelations of corruption in government, the imbalances in society and the uprising of the people across the globe.  He gives us hope as we make the transition to a higher understanding that we are all brothers and sisters and how it is up to all of us to transform society and our institutions (recorded on June 6, 2020).


COVID-19: Creating Natural Immunity & More

Dr. Peebles gives us another update on the current state of the pandemic that the entire world is struggling with and how we can create “natural immunity”. He speaks to us of balance, loving allowance and greater respect for ourselves and each other.  Open more to the power and choices that we all have to move beyond ANY limitation as we grow stronger in our spiritual awareness (recorded on May 6, 2020).


 COVID-19 Update

As we continue to see the rapidly spreading Coronavirus affecting all aspects of our lives, we are being challenged on many levels. In this message, Dr. Peebles reminds us of the powerful, creative beings we are. He guides us all to take the time to look within and discover our ability to choose our desired future, regardless of how things appear. What what will we choose? How will we respond to panic and fear? Grow stronger in your  understanding as you open to the wisdom of your inner spirit (recorded on March 27, 2020).


The Coronavirus: A Spiritual Perspective

Dr. Peebles offers a deeper understanding of the COVID-19 Coronavirus and it’s effect on our health, our communities and the world. Learn more of its purpose on the planet and the lessons it provides for us individually.  He offers hope and unity while painting an uplifting picture of a new world we can create together because of the challenges this virus brings us (recorded on March 13, 2020).


Dr. Peebles Speaks on Current and Future Timelines

Enjoy this very interesting excerpt from a recent Dr. Peebles email group (Questions & Answers) about “Future Timelines” and how they are intersecting with Earth’s current timeline. Definitely something to make you think deeply! Thank you Teri S. for permitting us to share your excellent question with everyone (recorded on June 26, 2019).



Dr. Peebles Speaks on How to Raise the Vibration of the Collective Mass Consciousness

During a recent Email Group, a woman asked Dr Peebles for a simple suggestion that anyone could do to help raise the collective vibration of our world. His answer offers us many beautiful and simple ways to shift the energy all around us everyday to the highest vibration of love. If everyone could follow the advice offered in this five minute message, we could all be an incredibly positive force to change the world. (recorded on September 26, 2017).

(No charge)

Dr. Peebles Speaks on Threat of Nuclear War and N. Korea

During a recent Email Group, Dr Peebles was asked about threats of nuclear attacks between N. Korea and the U.S. His response helped us understand the implications, the personalities involved and spirit’s perspective on potential realities in Earth’s future (recorded on August 11, 2017)

(No charge)


Dr. Peebles Speaks On “Ascension”

During a recent Email Group, Dr. Peebles was asked a question about the process of “ascension”.  His answer explains what it means, its effect on how we perceive reality and why it is happening. This excerpt is less than eleven minutes long but chock full of illuminating information.  (recorded on April 15, 2016)

(No charge)


Dr. Peebles Discusses Politics

During a recent private session, Dr Peebles was asked about our country’s current political environment. His response was intriguing and offers us a more spiritual perspective to consider as we ponder the process of U.S. politics. After receiving permission to share this, we are providing the link to this segment free of charge.  Hopefully, Dr. Peebles’ message will inspire you to think a little differently about how we respond to politics today.  (recorded on March 23, 2016)

(No Charge)

Dr. Peebles Speaks On Terrorist Attacks

In a recent group session, Dr. Peebles was asked to comment on the recent attacks in Paris. He shares great insights on terrorism, political and spiritual solutions and how we can help, collectively and individually.  (recorded on Nov. 13, 2015)


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