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Apr 17,2024 - Time: 12:00 pm - 12:00 pm
Special Message Trance Group
(Email Group)
*Receive a personal message from Dr. Peebles
Expanding Your Everyday Awareness
Becoming More Conscious of Spirit in Your Daily Life
with the wise Spirit Teacher
Dr. James Peebles
(through Trance Medium, Kim Dumaine)
Practical Tools to Increase Awareness
Become More Aligned with Spirit
Create Balance Everyday
Special Message Email Group: Wed. April 17, 2024
Trying to find balance in our daily lives is one of the biggest challenges we face. Even though we know we're spiritual beings at our core, we are existing simultaneously in a physical world where we have to work, pay bills, do laundry and all the things we must do as part of this reality. The stress and pressure is real and can be overwhelming at times. We need to find new ways to balance and adapt to the ever-changing world we are part of while still choosing to consciously expand our spiritual awareness everyday. It is a big challenge—but what an incredible opportunity to grow (which is why we're here).
In this month's message, Dr. Peebles wants to help you create more balance in your daily life AND become more "in tune" with your spirit (and your guides). With intention and discipline, move into new patterns of thinking and living to allow more conscious awareness of the immense power within and around you. He'll offer different ways for you to align your consciousness for greater access to spiritual wisdom and help. Learn practical tips and techniques to steer you away from patterns of stress and fear. Explore how to shift your energies throughout the day to gain clarity and understanding of the power available to you. The loving guidance and assistance is always there for you to utilize. Make the decision now to align consciously with this higher part of your being to live a life of balance, joy and pure awareness.
"The history of human consciousness is marked
by the battle between the old awareness, the ways of fear,
and the new awareness, the ways of love.."
(Al Berto)
By Email
Registration is closed for this event.
For more information or questions, please email: Kim@KimDumaine.com