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Jun 18,2024 -     Time: 12:00 pm - 12:00 pm

Personal Message Mini Session
*Receive a personal 30 minute message from Dr. Peebles
(Recorded and Emailed)
The Voices In Your Head
Stop, Slow Down & Listen
with the wise Spirit Teacher
Dr. James Peebles
(through Trance Medium, Kim Dumaine)
Who's Talking?
Ego vs. Higher Self
Be in Charge of Your Thoughts!
Personal Message Mini Session: Tues. June 18, 2024
The potential of the human mind and spirit is incredible, more advanced than any supercomputer. But we haven't sufficiently learned how to control it to utilize its vast capabilities. Communication is constantly occurring as it sends, receives, interprets and manages information from various sources, dimensions and states of consciousness. With all that going on—all the voices, thoughts and chatter in your head, how do you make sense of it all? How do you know what voices to focus on and how to quiet the ones driving you crazy?
In this thirty-minute mini-session, Dr. Peebles will help you sort it all out and gain some balance and clarity with the different voices competing for your attention. Allow him to help you discern if you are dealing with the higher energies of your spirit or the lower energies of the ego (yours or other people). Learn where those voices and thoughts are coming from and if they are beneficial or dragging you down. Discover how you can fine-tune these energies in your head to weed out the less desirable ones. Create new patterns in your daily life to focus more on the messages coming from your spirit and your teachers. Take control of the self-talk and the incessant voices in your head to connect more fully to the real you: the divine being within you!


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