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Jan 12,2025 - Time: 12:00 pm - 12:00 pm
New Years Mini-Session
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Shifting Your Perspective
Seeing Your Life in New Ways

with the wise Spirit Teacher
Dr. James Peebles
(through Trance Medium, Kim Dumaine)
Grow through Change
Discover New Ways of Seeing Life
Shift to Higher Levels of Understanding
Mini Session: January 12, 2025
Change is a powerful and inevitable force in our lives. Unfortunately, we often fear and resist the change that is needed for us to grow. It doesn't have to be hard. We don't have to struggle so much to make our lives better. A simple shift in perspective can change everything! A willingness to move beyond any set way of looking at things can open us to whole new worlds. Isn't that why we're here - to expand into a greater awareness of our power and see ourselves and the world more clearly?
We all have our own unique perspective on life - but we're certainly not limited to only one. Our spirit teachers are always helping us to expand with new perspectives, opinions and attitudes so that we can continue to learn and grow, never staying stuck in one mindset. Allow Dr. Peebles to assist you with this thirty minute mini--session to understand your current personal perspective in life and if it is helping you grow - or holding you back. He'll share new ideas and perspectives to broaden your world and help you envision your life in different ways. Learn how to allow yourself to consider and employ diverse ideas and opinions. Find the joy and freedom to safely explore new ideas and beliefs. Dare to see things differently and see how your life can change for the better.

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For more information or questions, please email: Kim@KimDumaine.com